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تبادل لینک هوشمند
برای تبادل لینک  ابتدا ما را با عنوان مرجع تبادل لینک و معرفی سایت و آدرس yasy.LXB.ir لینک نمایید سپس مشخصات لینک خود را در زیر نوشته . در صورت وجود لینک ما در سایت شما لینکتان به طور خودکار در سایت ما قرار میگیرد.



Who is the Mahdi/
Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari has said that the Messenger of Allah asked him, I know God Vrsvl Vmy empowers know I do not know. The Prophet said: He is a violent Muslim caliphs after me, I Vamaman, his first Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) after the Hassan bin Ali (AS) after the Hussein bin Ali (AS), Muhammad ibn Ali Vbdnbal He Vav in your Roth B is known to sensing his veto.He among the people, by his almighty Msharq Vmgharb Vav open your attention from the Shia.

The birth of Imam Mahdi (aj):
In the year 255 (AH.), At dawn on Friday, the fifteenth month of Sha'ban in Samrapaytkht Abbasids, the twelfth Imam Akhtar sky Vvlayt Hazrat Hasan bin Hjh Mahdi (AS), Imam Hassan Askari was born in the house. Name, the name of the prophet - his nickname, epithet of the Prophet - A. - Narjes name his father Imam Hassan Asgari (AS). The proof of the divine relic, vertical, Saleh Khalaf, Vbqyh's Zaman has been dubbed the most famous Lqbsh is Imam Mahdi.
Ladt with hidden enemies and Sadtsh Vnshansh the name of the hidden rancor, because vampires rule oppressive caliphate Vdstgah time, it was hard on him Vmshtaq by Sakhtnsh Vnabvd. All his force around the house of Imam Hasan Askari (AS) was used to spy Vdhha focused on the spying, espionage and the other was assigned to the birth, but the rest of God's Prophet (pbuh) was aware of, can run off New Rkhda, But the Providence of God was intended to be used as proof of harm Dshknan maintain.

It is born of Massoud two absences:
First Sghryya short term absence - that after the martyrdom of Imam Hassan Askari (AS) "Rabi 'eight-year 260 AH." (Time of Year 6) was started until the year 329 AH. Continued. In this period, which lasted 74 years Shiites could quadruple by his ambassadors with him and with his call to connect. The four runners-specific, which could in the absence of minor by their Shiite Imam Mahdi (aj), contact your Vmshkylat Mtqds·h area can receive the necessary poles, Haas, of His Excellency Amr Uthman bin Saeed, Muhammad bin Usman Saeed al-Husayn ibn Muhammad ibn spirit Nobakhti Vly Masudi, who passed away about her "special representation" was closed. After that, the absence of Kobra began in 329 AH. Has ever sustained, Vpayansh on anyone but God is revealed. In this period Vnayb ambassador for his people, there is no way to call Weber is officially OPEN for the massacre of Nawab Imam (AS) - the pious scholars of different Vkhvyshtn - to follow.
However, his life hidden out of sight means that the same people but under a blue sky larly. The collision event if it does, most remains unknown Vdydar Shiites to leave his God.
Kobra Imam's absence, was not ready, political and social conditions of society are open to the Imam is OPEN.
Imam Hassan (AS) about the long absence (Kubra) Hazrat Mahdi (as) also says that the God correctly, keeps a secret of her birth Vshkhs him missing to the exit Vqyam, allegiance to no one on So was his neck. He is the son of Hussein, the ninth child to pick a server bondwoman, his life when he returns Ghybtsh boo Lany, then with his own stature as a young rats than forty years will reveal.



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[ شنبه 1 بهمن 1390برچسب:information from emam zaman,12emam shiee,emam muslim,moslim monji,what is emam zaman, ] [ 17:11 ] [ حسین ]
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